[EN] Police lights - JuniorDjjr/VehFuncs GitHub Wiki

Settings for emergency and taxi lights


Before proceeding, be sure to read the Introduction.

You must have already downloaded a police car and the position of the emergency light was wrong, right?
Ever wanted to choose the color of the lights? Have you ever needed to use them in a non-police vehicle?

The position of the police and taxi lights is set inside the executable instead of a dummy. In this solution, VehFuncs will enable you to use a dummy to tell you where the light position will be. If the dummy does not exist, the default position is used.

VehFuncs will not change any light operation, it will only change the color and position!!!

If you install on a vehicle other than, by default, a law enforcement, VehFuncs will treat you as a law enforcement vehicle (not for taxi), so it's possible to turn on the siren and light bars. However, at the present time it isn't possible to consider it as a real police car, as it will not chase you. When this is done, there will be a separate option, so you can already use this as a car of any other law kind.

Emergency light settings from Improved Vehicle Features mod will work and be applied normally.

How to use

Use a dummy named f_coplight to define the position that will be the beginning of light.
With taxi, it's defined with f_taxilight.
That is, the dummy will be positioned on the side of the police light bar:
coplight giroflex zmodeler
The light will move to the same position on the other side of the vehicle, thus causing the effect of the light walking to another point. This means that if you use the dummy in the center of the vehicle, there will simply appear a still light changing color.

If you want to define the "final" position of the light, use a child dummy with outpoint name that informs the final position. It is not common, but it can be useful to create a single light.

Important: Because it's a dummy that defines an offset from the position of the vehicle (not the parent node), it's highly recommended that you place the dummy in the same place where the dummies exhaust, headlights, ped_frontseat etc, otherwise the position may appear wrong.

You can also set the light color by placing an RGB hexadecimal just after the name. For example:
f_coplightFF0000 — Only red.
f_coplightFF00FF — Red and blue.
Color is not yet supported on the FBI Rancher and taxi. In the case of FBI Rancher, you can put an f (lowercase) at the end of the name so that the light appears even when looking from the back side.
Unfortunately at the moment it isn't possible to use colors like orange and yellow, because the game completely ignores the existence of G (green). But you can configure with the future in mind, because in the future this problem can be fixed.

Bonus: Use a texture named 92sign64 or taxisign to make the material light up with the taxi light.